Redefiningurban lifein Sarajevo

TRIBUTE 1st Press Release
With the aim of facing the challenges posed by the rapid diffusion of new transport technologies and the need of innovative mobility solutions to cope
TRIBUTE 2nd Press Release
The City of Sarajevo continues to implement activities within the project TRIBUTE - "inTegRated and Innovative actions for sustainable Urban Mobility
TRIBUTE 3rd Press Release
On July 22 TRIBUTE project consortium gathered for the second Steering Committee meeting, which was again held online due to unpredictable epidemiological
TRIBUTE 6th Press Release
June held many excellent things in its store for TRIBUTE project, and one of these was worth of the wait. The project was presented in Ljubljana at VELOCITY 2022,
TRIBUTE 5th Press Release
Integrated and Innovative Actions for Sustainable Urban Mobility Upgrade
The TRIBUTE project has entered its second year of implementation. The project consortium is
TRIBUTE 4th Press Release
At the end of the 2nd project period, the TRIBUTE consortium completed several activities along with the successful adoption of the TRIBUTE knowledge platform, as