On Friday, 3rd of December a public interactive discussion will be held in the premises of the Secondary Vocational Education and Training School at 13:00h with the aim of collecting creative ideas of citizens about the appearance and design of the first urban garden with sensory elements in Sarajevo.
The event will take the form of an "urban lab", an informal creative idea with citizens piloted through the "Re-imagine my street" initiative at several Sarajevo locations with the intention of encouraging civic participation and ideas for urban regeneration. The initiative is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Municipality of Centar, the City of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo.
The urban garden is imagined as a public green area for recreation and socializing, in which children and other citizens can spend time, plant plants and trees and also grow fruits and vegetables. What sets this space apart are the elements of the sensory park through which all five senses are stimulated. This sensory park will be adapted for people with and without disabilities. The idea of the first urban garden and sensory park enables better acquaintance of children with the environment, including children with developmental difficulties, through a wide range of tactile and sensory experiences. The public space designed in this way provides a natural environment that stimulates the mental and physical recreation of citizens.
We hereby invite you to join us in an interactive facilitated discussion that will last an hour and a half and give your contribution and ideas in creation of the first urban garden with elements of a sensory park in Sarajevo. This will also be an opportunity to learn more about the concept of sensory gardens.
Given the current epidemiological measures, it is necessary that all those who are interested in this public discussion register via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/poziv-kreirajmo-zajedno-prvu-urbanu-bastu-i-senzorni-park -in-sarajevo-tickets-215202665967, to ensure that the number of participants is in line with current epidemiological measures.
The construction of the urban garden is part of the project "Connecting nature" that is funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program, and implemented by the City of Sarajevo and SERDA in cooperation with the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo and the Secondary Vocational Education and Training School.
For all additional information you can contact us via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..